Sars Auto and EXOL support mini-rally “Cesis-Priekuli” in Latvia

Exol, along with Sars Auto, were proud sponsors of mini-rally “C─ôsis-Prieku─╝i” which took place in C─ôsis, Latvia, which took place in the middle of July and saw an unprecedented high number of participants consisting of 105 crews competing in seven stages.

The heavy rain that had fallen the previous week had soaked the roads and turned the race into a real challenge. The final stage too place in Cesis city, with a signficant amount of spectators flocking to watch the competition.

Mitsubishi EVO driver Kalvis Blūms and his co-driver Ralfs Lipstoks won the event, finishing ahead of Kristaps Sarma/Ervins Zgirskis, with third place going to duo Gatis Bunclers and Raivis Aigars.

Sars Auto and Exol were among the partners and supporters of the event. Sars Auto provided a car for mini-rally officials and observers,  with Exol providing branded flags in the service park as well as on the start podium, as well as Exol branding on each of the race cars.

Art┼½rs Leinasars, director of Sars Auto commented: “We are extremely pleased with with the co-operation of the mini-rally organisers who did a great job in delivering a fantastic event. It proved an ideal opportunity to introduce both participants and spectators to our company and Exol”.